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Data Types

Below is a list of all the types of object a connector might encounter.


An Item represents a syncable entity. It has fields of its own as well as relations to other items.

type Item = {
// The fields and values of the item.
fields: Record<string, unknown>;

// The relations of the item.
relations: Relation[];

// The canonical path of the item.
canonicalPath?: string;


A Relation points to a Collection and describes the shape of the items it contains.

type Relation = {
// The main identifier of the relation.
// Can only contain numbers, letters, hyphens and underscores.
name: string;

// The relative path at which the relation data is available.
path: string;

// Optional list of parameters to be included in the request.
requestSchema?: { parameters: FieldSchema[] };

// The publicly visible label of the relation.
// e.g. "people"
label: string;

// Indicates whether or not we can search the collection to narrow down the returned data. Defaults to false.
searchable?: boolean;

// The shape of the items in this relation.
schema: {
// The publicly visible label of one item in this relation.
// e.g. "person"
label: string;

// Can we create items?
canCreateItem?: boolean;

// Can we update items?
canUpdateItem?: boolean;

// Can we delete items?
canDeleteItem?: boolean?

// Can we add fields to the schema?
canAddFields?: boolean?

// The shape of the fields.
fields: FieldSchema[],

// The meaning of the relation.
semantic?: RelationSemantic;

// Summaries of the relations expected to be found on these items.
relations?: RelationSummary[];


A RelationSummary describes the common properties of a relation expected to be found on each item of a relation.

type RelationSummary = {
* The main identifier of the relation.
name: string;
* The publicly visible label of the relation.
label: string;
* When provided, provides a way to retrieve all the items described by this relation summary.
* This needs to be used in conjunction with a field having a PARENT semantic.
aggregatePath?: string;
* The semantic of the relation.
semantic?: RelationSemantic;
* The shape of the relation.
schema: RelationSchema | "__self";


A FieldSchema describes the shape of a field.

type FieldSchema = {
// The main identifier of the field.
// Can only contain numbers, letters, hyphens and underscores.
name: string;

// The type of the value field.
type: FieldValueType;

// The publicly visible label of the field.
label: string;

// Description of the field. For information purposes only.
info?: string;

// Whether the field returns an array. Defaults to false.
// An array is a non-paginated list of same-type values.
// For pagination, use a relation instead.
isArray?: boolean;

// Whether the field is read only.
readOnly?: boolean;

// Whether the field can be empty. Default to true.
nullable?: boolean;

// The meaning of the field.
semantic?: Semantic;

// The following properties are type specific. Each FieldValueType is free to
// ask for additional data depending on their needs. While they're flagged as
// being optional (?) in this shared interface, they could be required for the
// type to operate properly.

// When the type is "object", describe its schema.
fields?: FieldSchema[];

// When the type is "reference", describes the referenced relation.
reference?: Relation;

// When used within a request schema, some fields may decide to provide
// a list of potential options whose values are considered valid input.
// As an example, for a field of type "dateRange", such options may
// include points in time relative to today's date.
// e.g. "[{ label: "Last 30 days", value: "last_30_days" }, ... ]"
optionalValues?: { label: string; value: unknown }[];


A FieldValueType determines the type of an item's value. The type represents a unique scalar value such as a string or an integer. For more complex types, use an Item instead.

enum FieldValueType {
// A complex field with fields and values of its own. The schema
// of these fields should be defined in the field's schema.
// e.g. { name: "foo" }
OBJECT = 'object',

// A reference to another existing item. The schema of this object
// should be defined in the field's schema. The value is represented
// as an ItemSummary.
// e.g. { path: "/users/1" }
REFERENCE = 'reference',

// A sequence of characters.
// e.g. "foo"
STRING = 'string',

// A valid email address, as described by IETF RFC 5321.
// e.g. "[email protected]"
EMAIL = 'email',

// A valid URL, including the scheme, the domain, and the TLD.
// e.g. "
URL = 'url',

// Any non-floating point number between -9,007,199,254,740,991 and 9,007,199,254,740,991.
// e.g. 1234
INTEGER = 'integer',

// Any number between -9,007,199,254,740,991 and 9,007,199,254,740,991, including floating points.
// e.g. 1234.56
NUMBER = 'number',

// True or False.
// e.g. true
BOOLEAN = 'boolean',

// Rich-text with Markdown syntax.
RICH_TEXT_MARKDOWN = 'markdown',

// Rich-text with HTML syntax.
RICH_TEXT_HTML = 'html',

// ISO 8601 date format.
// e.g. "2023-11-05"
DATE = 'date',

// An object containing the start and the end of a date range, in ISO 8601 date format.
// When one of the two values is left empty, it is considered an open ended range.
// e.g. "2023-11-01/2023-11-05", or "2023-11-01/"
DATE_RANGE = 'dateRange',

// ISO 8601 date and time format.
// e.g. "2023-11-05T08:15:30.000-05:00".
DATETIME = 'datetime',

// An object containing the start and the end of a datetime range, in ISO 8601 date and time format.
// When one of the two values is left empty, it is considered an open ended range.
// e.g. "2023-11-01T08:00:00.000-05:00/2023-11-05T08:00:00.000-05:00", or "2023-11-01T08:00:00.000-05:00/"
DATETIME_RANGE = 'datetimeRange',

// Any type of binary data.
BLOB = 'blob',

// A duration, expressed as a number of seconds.
// It assumes 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
// e.g. 180
DURATION = 'duration',


A Semantic gives meaning to a Field in the Unito platform. A field with a specified semantic is expected to hold a certain type of value that can later be used by the consumers of the spec to better understand what that value means.

enum Semantic {
// Represents the desired display name of the item.
// Expected field value to be of type FieldValueType.STRING
DISPLAY_NAME = 'displayName',

// Represents the date at which the item has been created.
// Required for items to be synced.
// Expected field value to be of type FieldValueType.DATETIME
CREATED_AT = 'createdAt',

// Represents the date at which the item has last been updated.
// Required for items to be synced.
// Expected field value to be of type FieldValueType.DATETIME
UPDATED_AT = 'updatedAt',

// Represents the Provider URL at which the item is accessible.
// Expected field value to be of type FieldValueType.STRING
PROVIDER_URL = 'providerURL',

// Represents the textual description of the item. Could be used by
// syncing tools to append additional information, such a link to
// the other items with which this item is synchronized.
// Expected field value of type FieldValueType.STRING, RICH_TEXT_HTML, or RICH_TEXT_MARKDOWN
DESCRIPTION = 'description',

// Represents a user.
USER = 'user',

// Represents the parent of the item.
// Expected field value to be of type FieldValueType.REFERENCE
// When present, it tells us the list of parents of the item.
PARENT = 'parent',

Relation Semantic

A Relation Semantic gives meaning to a Relation in the Unito platform. A relation with a specified semantic is expected to hold a certain type of item that can later be used by the consumers of the spec for specific usage.

enum RelationSemantic {
// Represents a relation containing items that have the shape of comments.
// Comments are expected to comply with the following schema;
// - Exactly one field with a `DESCRIPTION` semantic
COMMENTS = 'comments',

// Represents a relation containing items that have the shape of users.
// Users are expected to comply with the following schema;
// - Exactly one field with a `DISPLAY_NAME` semantic
// - Zero or more fields of type `EMAIL`
USERS = 'users',

// Represents a relation containing items that have the shape of attachments.
// Attachments are expected to comply with the following schema;
// - Exactly one field of type `BLOB`
ATTACHMENTS = 'attachments',

// Represents a relation containing items that have the shape of subtasks.
// Subtasks are expected to use a self referencing schema through the use of the `__self` keyword.
SUBTASKS = 'subtasks',


An OperatorType represents an operator used in a filter.

enum OperatorType {
// Equality operator returns results for which the field is stricly equal to the provided value.
// e.g. status=active
EQUAL = '=',

// Non equality operator returns results for which the field is not stricly equal to the provided value.
// e.g. role!=admin
NOT_EQUAL = '!=',

// Greater than operator returns results for which the field is greater than the provided value.
// e.g. date>2022-01-01

// Greater than or equal operator returns results for which the field is greater than or equal to provided value.
// e.g. date>=2022-01-01

// Lesser than operator returns results for which the field is lesser than the provided value.
// e.g. date<2022-01-01

// Lesser than or equal operator returns results for which the field is lesser or equal to the provided value.
// e.g. date<=2022-01-01

// Include operator returns results for which the provided value is included in the field.
// e.g. description*=cat
INCLUDE = '*=',

// Exclude operator returns results for which the provided value is not included in the field.
// e.g. description!*=cat
EXCLUDE = '!*=',

// Start with operator returns results for which the field starts with the provided value.
// e.g. name^=A
START_WITH = '^=',

// End with operator returns results for which the field ends with the provided value.
// e.g. name$=Z
END_WITH = '$=',

// Is null operator returns results for which the field has a null value.
// e.g. filter=name!!
IS_NULL = '!!',

// Is not null operator returns results for which the field has a non null value.
// e.g. filter=name!
IS_NOT_NULL = '!',


A Collection represents a paginated list of ItemSummary available through a Relation. See Pagination's recipe page for more information.

type Collection = {
// Contextual information.
info: {
// Link to the next page.
nextPage?: string;

// List of item summaries.
data: ItemSummary[];


An ItemSummary is a constituent of a collection. It links to an item, and can contain additional item information upon request — see the Select and Filters section for more details. Due to the dynamic nature of items, a path can optionally define additional parameters that will help define the items it links to — see the "Dynamic Items" section for more details.

type ItemSummary = {
// Link to this specific item.
path: string;

// Optional list of requested fields and their values.
fields?: Record<string, unknown>;

// Optional list of parameters to be included in the request.
requestSchema?: { parameters: FieldSchema[] };

// The canonical path of the item.
canonicalPath?: string;


A CredentialAccount describes the provider account associated to a credential (See X-Unito-Credentials).

type CredentialAccount = {
// The native id of the provider account.
id: string;

// The display name of the provider account.
displayName: string;

// The emails associated with the provider account.
emails: string[];

// Partition can be used to divide data into different buckets.
partition?: string;


A WebhookSubscriptionRequestPayload describes the shape of the request on the "webhook subscription" endpoint.

type WebhookSubscriptionRequestPayload = {
// The path of the item to which the subscription belongs.
itemPath: string;

// The target URL at which events should be sent.
targetUrl: string;

// The desired action to be applied to the subscription.
action: 'start' | 'stop';


A WebhookParseRequestPayload describes the shape of the request on the "parse webhook" endpoint.

type WebhookParseRequestPayload = {
// The partition data for which this webhook was received.
partition?: string;

// The raw headers sent by the provider.
headers: Record<string, string>;

// The raw payload sent by the provider.
payload: string;

// The full URL, including query params, on which this webhook was received.
url: string;


A WebhookParseResponsePayload describes the shape of the response on the "parse webhook" endpoint.

type WebhookParseResponsePayload = {
// The path of the item targetted by this event.
itemPath: string;

// The date at which the event took place, expressed as an ISO 8601 string.
// e.g "2023-11-05T08:15:30.000-05:00"
date: string;

// The item's relations impacted by this event.
impactedRelations: {
// The name of the relation.
name: string;

// The list of specific items impacted by this event.
impactedItems: WebhookParseResponsePayload[];


A WebhookAcknowledgeResponsePayload describes the shape of the response on the "acknowledge webhook" endpoint.

type WebhookAcknowledgeResponsePayload = {
// The status code that should be returned to the provider.
statusCode: number;

// The headers that should be returned to the provider.
headers?: Record<string, string | string[]>;

// The payload that should be returned to the provider.
payload?: string;


An error is used when an operation doesn't succeed.

type Error = {
// Specific error code. Usually the HTTP response code.
code: string;

// Raw error message.
message: string;

// Free-form key-value store. For logging/debugging purposes.
details?: Record<string, string>;

// Original error as returned by the provider.
originalError?: Error;