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An authorization is a way to collect credentials from customers, which are then sent to your connector through the X-Unito-Credentials header. There are two main categories of Authorizations types and a connector can define multiple authorizations of different types in its configuration.


A custom credential encompass API keys, username & password, or any other credential that require collecting information through a form. For example, an authorization to collect an API key looks like;

"authorizations": [
"name": "apiKey",
"method": "custom",
"variables": {
"apiKey": {
"type": "password",
"required": true,
"label": "Your API key"

Collect information with variables

In a custom authorization, data is collected by using variables.

The following properties are available:

typeThe data type of the variable. Valid values are: boolean, number, password, string, text.Yes
formatThe string format the value of the variable must comply to. Valid values are: email, uri. Applies only if type is string.No
patternThe regular expression a string value must match. Applies only if type is string.No
labelThe text to display to the user on the form before the input field. Defaults to the name of the variable if not specified.No
requiredWhether this variable must be specified by the user to continue. Defaults to false.No
defaultValueIf specified, the input field will be prefilled with this value.No
placeholderDisplayed as a hint in the input field.No
helpText displayed before the input field with instructions to the user.No

When clicking on Connect account on your connector in the Unito app, customers will see the following form;


To support this configuration, your connector needs to be coded to receive the following data in the X-Unito-Credentials header;

"apiKey": "<api key collected from the customer>"

OAuth 2

An OAuth 2 credential complies to the RFC6749 to collect credentials from customers.

For example:

"authorizations": [
"name": "oauth2",
"method": "oauth2",
"oauth2": {
"clientId": "<obtained from the provider>",
"clientSecret": "<obtained from the provider>",
"authorizationUrl": "<obtained from the provider>",
"grantType": "authorization_code",
"tokenUrl": "<obtained from the provider>"
"scopes": [{ "name": "<obtained from the provider>" }]

To support this configuration, your connector needs to be coded to receive the following data in the X-Unito-Credentials header:

"accessToken": "<token collected from the customer>"

You don't need to handle refreshing access tokens. Unito tries to automatically refresh access tokens whenever possible.

The following properties are available:

clientIdThe Client Id obtained from the provider.
clientSecretThe Client Secret obtained from the provider.
authorizationUrlThe URL to grant or deny access to the user account.
tokenUrlThe URL to obtain or refresh an access token.
grantTypeThe type of grant of the OAuth 2 authorization
scopesThe requested scope of access to the user account.
tokenRequestParametersExtra information used to obtain an access token.
refreshRequestParametersExtra information used to refresh an access token.
requestContentTypeThe content type of requests to the provider.
responseContentTypeThe content type of responses from the provider.

Supported Grants

The supported grant types are:

Authorization Code


"authorizations": [
"name": "oauth2",
"method": "oauth2",
"oauth2": {
"clientId": "<obtained from the provider>",
"clientSecret": "<obtained from the provider>",
"authorizationUrl": "<obtained from the provider>",
"grantType": "authorization_code",
"tokenUrl": "<obtained from the provider>",
"scopes": [{ "name": "<obtained from the provider>" }]

Password Grant

In this grant, the variables username and password are required.


"authorizations": [
"name": "oauth2",
"method": "oauth2",
"variables": {
"username": {
"type": "string",
"required": true
"password": {
"type": "password",
"required": true
"oauth2": {
"clientId": "<obtained from the provider>",
"clientSecret": "<obtained from the provider>",
"authorizationUrl": "<obtained from the provider>",
"grantType": "password",
"tokenUrl": "<obtained from the provider>"
"scopes": [{ "name": "<obtained from the provider>" }]

Client Credentials

In this grant:

  • the variables clientId and clientSecret are required.
  • the oauth2.clientId and oauth2.clientSecret must be omitted.
  • the variables clientId and clientSecret must be sent in the header or body of requests.


"authorizations": [
"name": "oauth2",
"method": "oauth2",
"variables": {
"clientId": {
"type": "string",
"required": true
"clientSecret": {
"type": "password",
"required": true
"oauth2": {
"grantType": "client_credentials",
"scopes": [{ "name": "<obtained from the provider>" }],
"tokenUrl": "<obtained from the provider>",
"tokenRequestParameters": {
"header": {
"Authorization": "Basic {!base64({+clientId}:{+clientSecret})}"
"refreshRequestParameters": {
"header": {
"Authorization": "Basic {!base64({+clientId}:{+clientSecret})}"

JWT Bearer


"authorizations": [
"name": "oauth2",
"method": "oauth2",
"oauth2": {
"clientId": "<obtained from the provider>",
"clientSecret": "<obtained from the provider>",
"authorizationUrl": "<obtained from the provider>",
"grantType": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer",
"tokenUrl": "<obtained from the provider>",
"scopes": [{ "name": "<obtained from the provider>" }]

Secure the clientSecret

The clientSecret field of your OAuth2 authorization must be encrypted. Encrypting this secret is done with the encrypt command of the CLI.

For example, if your secret is MyClientSecret, you can do:

echo "MyClientSecret" | integration-cli encrypt

The CLI will gives you back a string that looks like:


You then need to modify your authorization as follow:

"authorizations": [
"name": "oauth2",
"method": "oauth2",
"oauth2": {
"clientId": "<obtained from the provider>",
"clientSecret": "unito-secret-v1://U2FsdGVkX1/x+nU8YiX+7VlOceI2MSJl4m4fHGlvzsLXFkhjhU37rZgDGrScuivS",
"authorizationUrl": "<obtained from the provider>",
"grantType": "authorization_code",
"tokenUrl": "<obtained from the provider>",
"scopes": [{ "name": "<obtained from the provider>" }]

Collect information with variables

It is possible to collect additional data with OAuth 2, by using variables.

For example:

"authorizations": [
"name": "oauth2",
"method": "oauth2",
"variables": {
"workspace": {
"type": "string",
"label": "Your workspace"
"oauth2": {
"clientId": "<obtained from the provider>",
"clientSecret": "<obtained from the provider>",
"authorizationUrl": "<obtained from the provider>",
"grantType": "authorization_code",
"tokenUrl": "<obtained from the provider>"
"scopes": [{ "name": "<obtained from the provider>" }]

To support this configuration, your connector needs to be coded to receive the following data in the X-Unito-Credentials header:

"accessToken": "<token collected from the customer>",
"workspace": "<data collected from the customer>"

Note that in the example above, workspace is NOT required, which means your connector must also support receving an undefined workspace.

Tweak requests

As you will see in the following sections, collected variables can then be used to tweak requests.

The following operations are available:

{+variable}interpolate the value of the variable in the string.
{!base64(<content>)}base64-encode the value of <content>, which can include variables.

For example, when the value of workspace is 'awesome':

  • Your {+workspace} workspace => Your awesome workspace.
  • Your {!base64({+workspace})} workspace => Your YXdlc29tZQ== workspace.

Tweak the Authorization request

When needed, Unito makes an HTTP call to the authorizationUrl you provided in your configuration to obtain an authorization grant.

You can use variables to tweak this URL. For example:

"authorizations": [
"name": "oauth2",
"method": "oauth2",
"variables": {
"workspace": {
"type": "string",
"label": "Your workspace"
"oauth2": {
"authorizationUrl": "https://{+workspace}"

Tweak the Access Token request

During the OAuth2 flow, Unito makes an HTTP call to the tokenUrl you provided in your configuration to obtain an initial access & refresh tokens.

Some providers go beyond the standard and may require:

  • A dynamic tokenUrl, for example: https://{+dynamic}
  • An additional static or dynamic query param in tokenUrl, for example:{+dynamic}.
  • An additional static or dynamic parameter in the body of the request.
  • An additional static or dynamic parameter in the header of the request.

All of the above use cases are handled in the properties of your OAuth2 configuration by using a mix of variables and tokenRequestParameters properties. The following examples cover those cases.

A dynamic tokenUrl
"authorizations": [
"name": "oauth2",
"method": "oauth2",
"variables": {
"domain": {
"type": "string",
"label": "Your domain"
"oauth2": {
"tokenUrl": "https://{+domain}"
An additional static or dynamic query param in tokenUrl
"authorizations": [
"name": "oauth2",
"method": "oauth2",
"variables": {
"domain": {
"type": "string",
"label": "Your domain"
"oauth2": {
"tokenUrl": "{+domain}"
An additional static or dynamic parameter in the body or header of the request
"authorizations": [
"name": "oauth2",
"method": "oauth2",
"variables": {
"domain": {
"type": "string",
"label": "Your domain"
"apiVersion": {
"type": "string",
"label": "API version"
"oauth2": {
"tokenUrl": "",
"tokenRequestParameters": {
"body": {
"domain": "{+domain}", // dynamic value in the body.
"verbose": true // static value in the body.
"header": {
"X-API-VERSION": "{+apiVersion}", // dynamic value in the header.
"X-PLAN": "gold" // static value in the header.

For example, if the customer provides the following values:

"domain": "",
"apiVersion": 3.0

Unito will perform the equivalent of this cURL command:

curl \
--request POST \
--header "X-API-VERSION: 3.0" \
--header "X-PLAN: gold" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{ <standard OAuth2 payload>, "domain": "", "verbose": true }' \
Additional variables for the Authorization Code Grant

Some providers send extra information in the Authorization Response's query parameters of the Authorization Code Grant flow.

For example:

Those extra information may be needed in the following Access Token Request. Therefore, they are made available under the authorizationResponse namespace, and can be used as follow:

"authorizations": [
"name": "oauth2",
"method": "oauth2",
"oauth2": {
"tokenUrl": "",
"tokenRequestParameters": {
"body": {
"extraKey": "{+authorizationResponse.extraKey}"

Unito will perform the equivalent of this cURL command:

curl \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{ <standard OAuth2 payload>, "extraKey": "extraValue" }' \

Tweak the Refresh Token request

When needed, Unito makes an HTTP call to the tokenUrl you provided in your configuration to refresh an existing access token.

The available options when tweaking the Access Token request are also available to refreshing an existing token, under the refreshRequestParameters property of your OAuth2 configuration.

Multiple authorizations

You can define multiple authorizations in your .unito.json configuration file.

For example:

"authorizations": [
"name": "apiKey",
"method": "custom",
"variables": {
"apiKey": {
"type": "password",
"required": true,
"label": "Your API key"
"name": "u&p",
"method": "custom",
"variables": {
"username": {
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"label": "Your username"
"password": {
"type": "password",
"required": true,
"label": "Your password"

When clicking on Connect account on your connector in the Unito app, customers will see the following choices:


Some customers may decide to provide and API key while others might prefer to provide a username & password. To support this configuration, your connector needs to be coded to receive the following data in the X-Unito-Credentials header:

"apiKey": "<api key collected from the customer>",
"username": "<username collected from the customer>",
"password": "<password collected from the customer>"

Furthermore, your connector must look at the values in apiKey, username and password to determine which authorization the customer chose.

Custom authorization instructions

For private apps, the developer can provide custom authorization instructions. Those are limited to one image file and one markdown file per authorization type.

In order to add custom auth instructions:

  • create an assets folder at the root of your connector project
  • add one image and one markdown file to the assets folder per authorization
  • each file size should not exceed 400 kb
  • image files are limited to .png, .jpg and .jpeg
  • both image and markdown file names should follow the pattern instructions.${authName}.md, where ${authName} is a name of the authorization that is going to use these instructions:
"authorizations": [
"name": "apiKey"

Example:, instructions.apiKey.png


In order to delete previously set custom instructions, delete the corresponding image and markdown files in the assets folder.

Authorizations for development purposes

When your authorization is meant to be used for development purposes only, you can use the development property as follow:

"authorizations": [
"name": "apiKey",
"method": "custom",
"development": true

This will ensure that this authorization won't be visible to customers, but can still be used in test accounts, for example.